Notice is hereby given that at a Special Meeting held on May 30, 2023, the Westport Zoning Board of Appeals took the following action:
1. GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS: 4 Violet Lane: Application #ZBA-23-00129 by Jeffrey and Amelia Holl, for property owned by Jeffrey and Amelia Holl, for variance of the Zoning Regulation: §13-4 (Setbacks) and §13-6 (Total and Building Coverage) to modify existing shed to become FEMA compliant and authorization of expanded landings and footbridge within Setbacks and over allowable Building and Total Coverage, located in Residence A/Westport Center Historic District, PID# D10089000.
2. GRANTED: 208 Compo Road South: Application #ZBA-23-00193 by Philip H. Cerrone, Architect, for property owned by Further Afield 208 South Compo, LLC, for variance of the Zoning Regulations: §6-3.3 (Height for Non-Conforming Lot) and §12-6 (Total Coverage) to construct a two-story rear addition and reconfigure the driveway over Total Coverage and over allowable number of Stories, located in Residence AA district, PID# C05072000.
3. GRANTED: 18 Fairport Road: Application #ZBA-23-00223 by Wei Chen and Xiao Mai Kong, for property owned by Wei Chen and Xiao Mai Kong, for variance of the Zoning Regulation: §6-3.1 (Setbacks for Non-Conforming Lot), §13-6 (Building Coverage), and §13-4 (Rear and Side Setbacks), to install a shed in the side and rear Setbacks and over Building Coverage, located in Residence A District, PID# I09070000.
4. GRANTED: 4 Rockwell Place: Application #ZBA-23-00228 by 4 Rockwell Pl, LLC, for property owned by 4 Rockwell Pl, LLC, for variance of the Zoning Regulations: §6-2.1.7 (Expansion of Non-Conformity), §6-3.1 (Setbacks on Non-Conforming Lot) and §12-4 (Setbacks) to construct a second floor addition, install two a/c units and a propane tanks in the Setbacks, located in Residence AA district, PID# F08064000.
Dated on Westport, CT, May 31, 2023, James Ezzes, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals.
Notice of Decisions
Notice of Hearing