Notice is hereby given that at a meeting held on February 28, 2023, the Westport Zoning Board of Appeals took the following action:
1. GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS: 4 Charcoal Lane: Application #ZBA-22-00630 by Phil Cerrone, Architect, for property owned by Carolyn and Robert Jumper, for variance of the Zoning Regulation: §6-2.1.78 (Non-Conforming Setbacks), §11-4 (Setbacks), §32-8.2.3 (Maximum Fill or Excavation Quantity) and § (Grading within 5ft of a property line and creation of Steep Slopes), to authorize grading within 5 feet of a property line, creation of steep slopes, reconfiguration of a patio, construction of a spa and a new fire pit, all within the Setbacks, and constructing a driveway expansion, located in Residence AAA district, PID# E15037000.
2. GRANTED: 37 Spicer Road: Application #ZBA-22-00804 by Cindy Tyminski, for property owned by Spicer37Westport, LLC, c/o Nate Gibbons, for variance of the Zoning Regulations: §6-2.1.7 (Expansion of a Non-Conforming Building in the Setbacks), and §13-4 (Setbacks), to modify variance #ZBA-20-00381 to construct a second-floor addition in the setbacks, located in Residence A district, PID# E09029000.
3. GRANTED: 46 Compo Mill Cove: Application #ZBA-22-00686 by Steven Lotz, for property owned by Summer and Spring LLC, for variance of the Zoning Regulation: §6-3-1 (Non-Conforming Setbacks), §13-4 (Setbacks), and §13-6 (Coverage), to construct a buried bulkhead, rebuild and extend existing timber deck and construct new beach access stairs partially in the rear setbacks, located in Residence A district, PID# E04093000.
4. DENIED: 29 Owenoke Park: Application #ZBA-22-00712 by Lucien Vita, Vita Design Group, for property owned by David and Betsey Lebow, for variance of the Zoning Regulations: §13-6 (Total Coverage), and §6-2.1.6 (New Construction), to construct a FEMA compliant two-story single-family house and to find consistency with Coastal Area Management Regulations, located in Residence A district, PID #C03005000.
5. GRANTED: 4 Wheeler Gate: Application #ZBA-23-00013 by Erion Cano, for property owned by Iris Isufi and Erion Cano, for variance of the Zoning Regulation: §13-6 (Total Coverage), to install an inground pool over Total Coverage with existing rear deck and portion of driveway to be removed, located in Residence A district, PID# C08103000.
6. GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS: 312 Bayberry Lane: Application #ZBA-23-00032 by Brain Carey, LANDTECH, for property owned by David and Anna Herling, for variance of the Zoning Regulations: §32-8.2.3 (Fill within 5’ of property line), §32-8.3.2 (Fill height exceeding 0.2 relative to the distance to property line), and §11-4 (Setbacks), to authorize existing grading that does not conform to §32-8 and construct a pool patio, located in Residence AAA district, PID #E18025001.
A copy of the Legal Notice of Decision is available on-line at, on the Planning and Zoning Department main page. Due to the closing of Town Hall to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order #7I, the Legal Notice of Decision cannot be viewed at the Westport Town Clerk’s Office or the Westport Planning and Zoning Office at this time.
Dated on Westport, CT, March 1, 2023, James Ezzes, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals.
Notice of Decisions
Notice of Hearing