Notice is hereby given that a meeting held on March 24, 2021, the Westport Historic District Commission took the following action:
APPROVED a Certificate of Appropriateness application dated January 25, 2021 for exterior repairs including but not limited to windows, siding, and front porch at 39 Cross Highway which is a designated local historic property, under the following conditions:
1. Windows 85, 90, 95 & 100 [as shown on the window schedule] may be aluminum clad.
2. Window over garage [number 215 as shown on the window schedule] shall have two vertical lites per casement unit.
3. Window grille patterns shall be as shown in elevation drawings, and a revised window schedule shall be submitted to HDC for record.
The above item is available on-line the Town of Westport website at, on the Town Calendar web page under March 24, 2021.
Please post until April 7, 2021.
Grayson Braun, Vice Chair
Westport Historic District Commission
March 25, 2021
Notice of Decision
Meeting Packet