The Flood and Erosion Control Board consists of five members who are electors of the town and appointed by the First Selectman for four year terms.

In addition, there are three alternate members of the Flood and Erosion Control Board, no more than two of whom may be members of the same political party. Alternate members are appointed by the First Selectman.

The Flood and Erosion Control Board has all the powers and duties conferred or imposed by Connecticut law on Flood and Erosion Control Boards, and has the authority to plan, supervise and manage a flood and erosion control system for the Town of Westport.

The Board's purpose is to prevent, correct, and arrest, erosion and flood damage within the boundaries of the town. In Westport, the system essentially involves a program for replacement of undersized culverts under public roads, and stream channel improvements as may be needed for the conveyance of floodwaters and the protection of public and private properties.