April 28, 2011
6:30 P.M.
Room 201
Interview of P&Z Alternate
Executive Session to discuss appointment of P&Z alternate
Vote on P&Z Alternate
(At this time interested persons may be heard after being recognized by the chairman.
Written communications may be received for all applications until the public hearing is closed. Applications and plans may be seen and examined in the Planning and Zoning Office, Room 203, Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.)
The Commission will not start a public hearing on any applications after 10:00 p.m. The Commission will adjourn no later than 11:00 p.m.
1. 78 Maple Avenue South: (the following application is continued from 4/7/11. Testimony was taken) Appl. #11-017 by CFJ Realty Development, LLC for property owned by CFJ Realty Development, LLC for a Special Permit & Site Plan approval for excavation & fill in a Res AAA zone, PID # H07031000.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Lathrop, Krawiec, Walsh, Jinishian, Gratrix
2. 14 Coleytown Road: (The following application is continued from 4/7/11. No testimony was taken) Appl. #10-058 by Temple Israel of Westport for property owned by Temple of Israel of Westport for a Special Permit and Site Plan approval for installation of improvements to lighting in parking lot and entrance and property in a Res AAA zone, PID #D16048000. Applicant’s presentation time: 20 minutes
3. 11 Bayberry Ridge Road: Appl. #11-018 by Brian Cossari, Hoffman Landscapes, for property owned by Cenci Diane and John N. Hillhouse for a Special Permit & Site Plan approval for excavation & fill in a Res AAA zone, PID # F18003000. Applicant’s presentation time: 10 minutes
4. 575 Riverside Avenue, (aka 553): Appl. #11-019 by Sam Gault for property owned by Hamilton Development for a CAM Special Permit and Site Plan approval for modification of Planning and Zoning Resolution #06-040 to modify the shared parking to support 20 proposed boat slips, in a GBD/S zone, PID # C06056000. Applicant’s presentation time: 10 minutes
(The following items will be discussed and voted on as time permits. The public may observe the work session but not participate.)
1. Old Business
a) Amendment #625: Appl. # 11-001 by the First Selectman for a text amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to modify §5, Definitions, to amend Affordable Housing; to modify §5, Definitions, to add Assisted Living Facility; to modify §5, Definitions, to add Full Care Living Facility; to modify §5, Definitions, to add Independent Living Facility; to modify §5-2, Definitions, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §5, Definitions, to add Senior Center; to modify §5, Definitions, to amend Managed Senior Residential Community; to modify §5, Definitions, to remove Private Residential Units, to modify §11-2.3.1, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §11-2.3.5, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §11-2.3.10, Managed Residential Communities, to amend the section heading to Senior Residential Community; to modify §11-2.4, Permitted Accessory Buildings, Structures, and Uses, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §19A-16, Affordable Plan, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” and to delete the establishment of a priority system for affordable and workforce housing units; to modify §20-4, Density, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-2, Elderly Housing-Municipal, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-2.1, Purpose, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-2.2, Permitted Uses, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-8.2, Excessive Fill Regulations to add new section §32-8.2.1(d); to modify §32-11, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-11.2, Occupancy, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-11.5, CAP, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-15, Managed Residential Community, to modify the section heading to read “Senior Residential Community;” to modify §32-15.1, Purpose; to modify §32-15.2, Permitted Uses; to modify §32-15.3, Accessory Uses; to modify §32-15.4, Location; to modify §32-15.5, Lot Area, Shape and Frontage; to modify §32-15.6, Affordable Units; to modify §32-15.7, Density; to modify §32-15.8, Setbacks, to modify §32-15.9, Height; to modify §32-15.10, FAR; to modify §32-15.11, Coverage; to modify §32-15.12, Unit Sizes; to modify §32-15.13, Open Space; to modify §32-15.15, Parking and Loading; to modify §32-15.17, Architectural Design; to add §32-15.19, G:\Pnz_off\AGENDAS\p&z04-14-11.docSubdivision; to modify §34-5, Parking Requirements Table. §32-15, Senior Residential Community, is applicable only to Town-owned properties, that meet the standards listed in §32-15.5, Lot Area, Shape and Frontage.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Press, Lathrop, Krawiec, Walsh, Jinishian
b) Amendment #623: Appl. #10-055 by Barr Associates for a map amendment to the Westport Zoning Map to rezone the properties at 0 Cottage Lane, PID #H09017000 and 0 Cottage Lane, PID #H09018000 from Residential A to General Business District.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Lathrop, Jinishian, Krawiec, Walsh, Gratrix
2. Other Items
a) Discussion of 2007 POCD implementation
b) Discussion of revisions to Sec. 32-18
c) Discussion about P & Z staff amendments
3. New Business