The Public Hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the items below will be further continued on September 04, 2014, at 7:00 P.M.
- Amendment #677: Appl. #14-024 by Town of Westport – James S. Marpe, First Selectman for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §4-5 (Maximum Allowable Multi-Family Dwellings) to add “or age restricted senior housing on town-owned property constructed after the effective date of this regulation”, to modify §32-15A.2 (Permitted Uses) to delete the words “A Zoning Permit for Assisted Living Facilities and Full Care Living Facilities cannot be issued until 35% of the Independent Living Facility units are built and Zoning Certificates of Compliance (ZCC’s) are issued. No less than sixty percent (60%) of any Independent Living Facility units with Zoning Certificates of Compliance (ZCC’s) issued shall be affordable units pursuant to §32-15A.6.”, to modify §32-15A.3 (Accessory Uses) to add “but not limited to” “cafes, salons” “recreational facilities” “amenities” and to delete “recreational facilities” to modify §32-15A.6.1 (Affordable Units) to delete “sixty” to add “ twenty” to delete 60% to add 20% to delete “dwelling” to add “Independent Living Facility” to modify §32-15A.6.2 to delete the words “on average the same number of bedrooms and” and to modify §32-15A.9 (Setbacks) to add to the words “nor to other adjacent town-owned lots” to modify §32-15A.16 (Parking and Loading) to add a new section §32-15A.16.3 “Section 34-12, Concealed Parking, shall not apply” to modify §32-15A.18.1 to delete the word “five (5’)” and add the word “three (3’)” and to modify §32-15A.18.3 and to add the words “except for connections between structures.”
Dated: July 18, 2014