To be inserted in
the Westport News
On: July
18, 2014
Notice is hereby given
that at a meeting held on July 10, 2014, the Westport Planning
and Zoning Commission took the following action:
- DENIED: Amendment #674,
Appl. #14-016 by Coastal Construction Group for a text amendment to the
zoning regulations to Modify §34-11.2, Curb Cuts and Access Drives, to authorize the
Planning and Zoning Commission to allow modifications to existing curb
cuts on lots where more than two (2) curb cuts legally exist; Modify Chapter Title of §39A from
“Inclusionary Housing Overlay District (IHZ)” to “Inclusionary Housing
Zone (IHZ)” and modify the Chapter Title where it currently appears in
other sections of the Zoning Regulations, including §4-1, §39A-1, §39A-2,
and §39A-3, so that the abbreviation letters accurately correspond to the
Chapter Title; Modify §39A-6, Setbacks, to provide cross-reference to new
section proposed in §39A-20; Modify §39A-7, Height, to authorize the
Planning and Zoning Commission to allow additional building height to
encourage parking structures to be located beneath residential buildings
provided the lot does not exceed 65% Total Coverage; Modify §39A-8,
Coverage, to exempt from Coverage parking structures located beneath
residential buildings or located beneath usable landscaped areas; Modify
§39A-14, Parking, to provide cross-reference to new section proposed in
§39A-20; Add new section §39A-20, Historic Preservation, to provide more
flexible zoning standards (setbacks and parking) to facilitate the
maintenance and/or relocation of historic buildings; to add standards
requiring permanent preservation of historic buildings in the form of a
Preservation Easement; and to add design guidelines for proposed
rehabilitation of historic buildings consistent with the Secretary of the
Interior’s “Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating
Historic Buildings;”
- ADOPTED: Amendment #675, Appl.
#14-017 by Coastal Construction Group for a map amendment to the Official
Building Zone Map to rezone property located at 1135 Post Road East from
Residential A/Business Preservation District (BPD) to Residential A/
BPD-IHZ zone, PID #G09027000. Effective date: 8/11/14
The above items were granted/approved/denied with
conditions, which are on file with the Planning and Zoning Office in Town Hall
at 110 Myrtle Avenue
Dated at Westport, Connecticut this 18th
day of July
Chip Stephens, Chairman, Planning and Zoning