To be inserted in
the Westport News
On: June 27,
Notice is hereby given
that at a meeting held on June 19, 2014, the Westport Planning
and Zoning Commission took the following action:
- APPROVED: 374 Post Road East, Appl. #14-011 by Lawrence P. Weisman for
property owned by Compo Acres, LLC c/o Equity One Realty for a Site Plan
approval for reconfiguration of parking layout and building alterations in
a GBD/A zone, PID #D09122000.
- APPROVED: 101 Harbor Road, Appl. #14-018 Alan
R. Spirer for property owned by 101 Harbor Road, LLC for a CAM Site Plan approval for a new single family
dwelling in a Res A zone, PID #B02139000.
- ADOPTED: Amendment #676, Appl. #14-021 by the
Westport Planning and Zoning
Commission for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §32-8
(Excavation & Fill), to delete §32-8.1 and §32-8.1.1 (Exemptions) and
add new section, §32-8.1 (Activities that require and Excavation &
Fill Permit and Exempt Activities which provides “…that all regrading of properties regardless of the amount of
disturbance or quantity of material shall require a Site Plan and Special
Permit application except noted below…”and to create a new section
§32-8.1.2 (Exemptions) which lists nine (9) different types of activities
which are exempt from Excavation and Fill applications but must still
adhere to the standards in sections §32-8.2 and §32-8.3, to modify
§32-8.2.2 to add the word “percentage” after Total Coverage and Building
Coverage, to modify §32-8.2.7 (Natural Existing Grades) to add a
requirement that Excavation and Fill applications cannot be used to
establish a new average grade for the purpose of measuring building height
unless five years have passed since the date of approval, to modify
§32-8.3.2 (Standards) to reduce manmade earth slopes to no greater than
five horizontal to one vertical (20 %) slopes unless approved by the Town
Engineer and to allow exemptions for grading within five feet of the
property line for driveways and subdivision roads, to modify §32-8.3.3
(Standards) to change the word “excavating” to “excavated”, to add
§32-8.3.10, to relocate a standard that was deleted from §32-8.1.4
regarding the pumping of ground water to a surface discharge point, to
modify §32-8.4 (Restoration Plan) to delete the words “as part of a Site
Plan” and to modify §32-8.5
(Considerations Affecting Approval) to add the words “and Special Permit Review as found in §44-5 and §44-6”. Effective date: 6/27/14
The above items were granted/approved/denied with
conditions, which are on file with the Planning and Zoning Office in Town Hall
at 110 Myrtle Avenue
Dated at Westport, Connecticut this 27th
day of June
Chip Stephens, Chairman, Planning and Zoning