The Public Hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the items below will be further continued on October 17, 2013, at 7:00 P.M.
- Amendment #663: Appl. #13-043 by the Westport Planning and Zoning Commission for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §34-5 (Parking Requirements Table), Other Uses, to modify §34-8 (Joint Parking), to modify §34-11.2 (Curb Cuts and Access Drives), to modify §44-2.5 (Requirements for Traffic Impact Analysis).
(The parking portion of this application have been withdrawn)
- Amendment #664: Appl. #13-044 by the Westport Planning and Zoning Commission for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §5-2 (Definitions), Public Waterfront Access, to modify §18-11 (Usable Open space), to modify §24A-10 (Public Waterfront Access), to modify §32-12.9 (Public Waterfront Access), to modify §39A-12 (Public Waterfront Access), to add §31-10.7.4 (Public Waterfront Access), to renumber §31-10.7.4 thru §31-10.7.6 to allow PWA to be added to the CAM regulations.
Dated: October 4, 2013