Tuesday – June 4, 2013
7:30 p.m. – Room 201/201A
Members present:
Jim Ezzes
Elizabeth Wong – Vice Chairman
Jacqueline Masumian
Sheri Gordon-Rabiner sitting for Doug Bowen
Bill Harris
Staff: Larry Bradley, Director of Planning and Zoning
- 32 Bermuda Road: (The following application will be opened and continued to 6/11/13. No testimony will be taken at this hearing) ZBA Appl. #7167 by Pete Romano, LandTech for property owned by Michael Fifer and Ellen Fifer for a variance to Sec 13-6 (Coverage), Sec 6-2.2, (Non Conforming Coverage), Sec 6-3 (Non Conforming Lot), Sec 34-11.5 (Driveway Grade) for a new single family dwelling over coverage in a Res a zone, PID #B02018000.
- 68 Harbor Road: ZBA Appl. #7154 by Barr Associates, LLC for property owned by Joshua Newman for a variance to Sec 13-4 (Setbacks), Sec 6-3.1 (Non Conforming Setbacks), Sec 13-5 (Height for feet), Sec 6-3.3 (Non Conforming Height), Sec 13-6 (Coverage), Sec 6-2.1.6 (New Construction), Sec 6-2.2 (Non Conforming Coverage) for a new house over coverage, in the setbacks and over allowable height in a Res A zone, PID #B02087000,
- 7 Norwalk Avenue: ZBA APPl. #7162 by Mark LaClair for property owned by Mark LaClair for a variance to Sec 13-6 (Coverage), Sec 6-2.2 (Non Conforming Coverage), Sec 6-2.1 (New Construction), Sec 13-5 (Height for feet), Sec 6-3.3 (Non Conforming Height), for an addition and relocation of a rear deck, over coverage and over allowable height in a Res A zone, PID #D03145000.
- 161 Main Street: ZBA Appl. #7163 by Robert Muggeo for property owned by Honeydo Family LLC for a variance to Sec 29-6 (Coverage), Sec 29-4 (Setbacks), Sec 6-3.1 (Non Conforming Setbacks), Sec 6-2.1 (Expansion, Extension or Alterations for a Non Conforming Building), Sec 6-2.1.6 (New Construction), Sec 6-2.1.7 (Non Conforming Building Setbacks), Sec 6-2.2 (Non Conforming Coverage), for a façade renovation over coverage and in the setbacks in a BCD zone, PID #C10083000.
- 12 Westport Avenue: ZBA Appl. #7164 by Barr Associates, LLC for property owned by Steven and Meredith Colder for a variance to Sec 13-4 (Setbacks), Sec 6-3.1 (Non Conforming Setbacks), Sec 13-6 (Coverage), Sec 6-2.2 (Non Conforming Coverage), Sec 13-5 (Height for Feet and Number of Stories), Sec 6-3.3 (Non Conforming Height for Feet and Number of Stories), Sec 6-2.1 (Expansion, Extension or Alteration), to raise existing structure and additions in a Res A zone, PID #D03155000.
- 1026 Post Road East: ZBA Appl. #7165 by Rick Hoag for property owned by DeMattio Associates, LLC for a variance to Sec 25 -4 (Setbacks) to raise the roof in setbacks In a HSD, PID #F09055000.
Work Session: (Note: the public may observe the work session but may not participate)
- Review and action on the cases heard above
- Old Business
a) 25 Cockenoe Drive, ZBA Appl. #7094, request for modification
b) 66 Compo Mill Cove, ZBA Appl. #7512, request for modification