April 14, 2011
7:00 P.M.
Room 201/201A
Review of Five Year Capital Forecast
John Kondub, Finance Director
Gordon Joseloff, First Selectman
Approval of Minutes: 3/10/11, 3/17/11, 3/24/11
(The following items will be discussed and voted on as time permits. The public may observe the work session but not participate.)
1. Old Business
a) Amendment #625: Appl. # 11-001 by the First Selectman for a text amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to modify §5, Definitions, to amend Affordable Housing; to modify §5, Definitions, to add Assisted Living Facility; to modify §5, Definitions, to add Full Care Living Facility; to modify §5, Definitions, to add Independent Living Facility; to modify §5-2, Definitions, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §5, Definitions, to add Senior Center; to modify §5, Definitions, to amend Managed Senior Residential Community; to modify §5, Definitions, to remove Private Residential Units, to modify §11-2.3.1, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §11-2.3.5, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §11-2.3.10, Managed Residential Communities, to amend the section heading to Senior Residential Community; to modify §11-2.4, Permitted Accessory Buildings, Structures, and Uses, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §19A-16, Affordable Plan, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” and to delete the establishment of a priority system for affordable and workforce housing units; to modify §20-4, Density, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-2, Elderly Housing-Municipal, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-2.1, Purpose, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-2.2, Permitted Uses, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-8.2, Excessive Fill Regulations to add new section §32-8.2.1(d); to modify §32-11, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-11.2, Occupancy, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-11.5, CAP, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-15, Managed Residential Community, to modify the section heading to read “Senior Residential Community;” to modify §32-15.1, Purpose; to modify §32-15.2, Permitted Uses; to modify §32-15.3, Accessory Uses; to modify §32-15.4, Location; to modify §32-15.5, Lot Area, Shape and Frontage; to modify §32-15.6, Affordable Units; to modify §32-15.7, Density; to modify §32-15.8, Setbacks, to modify §32-15.9, Height; to modify §32-15.10, FAR; to modify §32-15.11, Coverage; to modify §32-15.12, Unit Sizes; to modify §32-15.13, Open Space; to modify §32-15.15, Parking and Loading; to modify §32-15.17, Architectural Design; to add §32-15.19, G:\Pnz_off\AGENDAS\p&z04-14-11.docSubdivision; to modify §34-5, Parking Requirements Table. §32-15, Senior Residential Community, is applicable only to Town-owned properties, that meet the standards listed in §32-15.5, Lot Area, Shape and Frontage.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Press, Lathrop, Krawiec, Walsh, Jinishian
b) Amendment #623: Appl. #10-055 by Barr Associates for a map amendment to the Westport Zoning Map to rezone the properties at 0 Cottage Lane, PID #H09017000 and 0 Cottage Lane, PID #H09018000 from Residential A to General Business District.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Lathrop, Jinishian, Krawiec, Walsh, Gratrix
2. Other Items
a) Discussion about proposed text amendment regarding building area and projections into setbacks
b) Discussion about proposed text amendment regarding definition of kitchen
c) Discussion about proposed text amendment regarding pre 1959 apartment regulations
d) Discussion about proposed text amendment regarding accessory apartment regulations
e) Review Planning and Zoning staff proposed text amendments chart
f) Discussion of 2007 POCD implementation
g) Review of staff memo on curb side pickup
h) Discussion on the deletion of Sec. 31-9.3
i) Discussion of revisions to Sec. 32-18
j) Discussion of Downtown Goals/Objectives - 2011
3. New Business