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P&Z Meeting Dates
Planning & Zoning Commission Agenda
- Date: 12/20/2012 7:00 PM
- Location: Town Hall- Auditorium
December 20, 2012
I PUBLIC HEARING Auditorium 7:00 P.M.
(At this time interested persons may be heard after being recognized by the chairman.
Written communications may be received for all applications until the public hearing is closed. Applications and plans may be seen and examined in the Planning and Zoning Office, Room 203, Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.)
The Commission will not start a public hearing on any applications after 10:00 p.m. The Commission will adjourn no later than 11:00 p.m.
1. Amendment #654: (The following application is continued from 12/6/12. Testimony was taken at the hearing) Appl. #12-050 by William Achillies, Achillies Architects for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §29-2.2.1 (a) to allow for retail above first floor with specific criteria in BCD (Business Center District) zone.
2. 20 Wilton Road: Appl. #12-049 by Coe Development LLC for property owned by NatHall 1220W LLC for a CAM Special Permit and Site Plan approval for a restaurant, bar and office use with joint parking and a parking waiver, in GBD zone, PID #C09112000. Applicant’s presentation time: 20 minutes
3. Amendment #656: Appl. #12-054 by the Westport Planning and Zoning Commission for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify Sec 6 (Non Conforming Buildings, Uses & Lots), to modify Sec 6-2.1 and Sec 6-2.1.7 (Expansion, Extension or Alteration) to modify Sec 6-2.2 (Non Conforming Coverage), Sec 6-3.1 (Non Conforming Setbacks), Sec 6-3.3 (Non Conforming Height), to modify Sec 13 (Residence A District), to modify Sec 13-4 (Setbacks), to modify Sec 13-5 (Height), to modify Sec 13-6 (Coverage), to modify Sec 14 (Residence B District), to modify Sec 14-4 (Setbacks), to modify Sec 14-5 (Height), to modify Sec 14-6 (Coverage), to allow the elevation of structures in the special flood hazard area and to modify Sec 31-11 (Flood Plain Regulations), to add a new Sec 31-11.9 (Above Ground Storage Tanks). Applicant’s presentation time: 10 minutes
(The following items will be discussed and voted on as time permits. The public may observe the work session but not participate.)
2. Old Business
a) Amendment #653: Appl. #12-048 by Frederick William Hoag Architect for property owned by The Maxx and Luke LLC for a map amendment to the Westport Zoning Map to rezone properties at 44 Church Lane, PID #C10155000 from RORD 2, (Restricted Office Retail District) and BCD (Business Center District) to BCD (Business Center District).
Seated: Walsh, Whittle, Stephens, Gratrix, Corwin, Lathrop, Jinishian
b) 25 Cockenoe Drive: Appl. #12-043 by Jill O’Shea, H.D. LLC, for property owned by Howard and Sharon Lipper for a CAM Site Plan approval to raise existing house to comply with FEMA regulations and shift footprint of house in a Res A zone, PID #B01077000.
Seated: Walsh, Whittle, Stephens, Gratrix, Corwin, Lathrop, Jinishian
c) Amendment #647: Appl. #12-011 by the Planning and Zoning Commission for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §4-2 (Map Established), to add references in description of Zoning Map, §31-10 (Coastal Area Regulations), to modify requirements to be consistent with the Connecticut General Statutes, §31-11.3 (Flood Protection Requirements), to clarify role of Floodplain Coordinator, §43-11 (Time Period and Expiration), to modify timeframes for approvals to be consistent with the Connecticut General Statutes, §44-1 (Documents), §45-3.3 (Building Plan), §52-4 (Applications), to modify list of submission materials for Site Plan, Zoning Permit and Subdivision applications, §45-3 (Zoning Permits), to codify in the Zoning Regulations that a Zoning Permit be obtained prior to occupancy of a commercial building, §45-3.2.3 (Plot Plan), to require a vicinity map on plans used to obtain a Zoning Permit.
Seated: Walsh, Whittle, Stephens, Gratrix, Corwin, Lathrop, Jinishian
3. Other Items
a) Discussion of second round of P&Z staff amendments
b) Hales Court, Planning and Zoning Resolution #08-104, request for modification
1. Election of Officers
2. Appointment of Alternates
3. Committee Assignments
• Landscape Committee
• Regulation Review
• Others if needed
4. Appointment of SWRPA Representative
5. Planning and Zoning Meeting Schedules
• Public Hearings
• Work Sessions
• Field Trips (Time, Day)
6. Update on Planning and Zoning Issues
7. Planning and Zoning Goals and Objectives
8. Planning and Zoning By-Law Review
9. Other
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December 20, 2012
I PUBLIC HEARING Auditorium 7:00 P.M.
(At this time interested persons may be heard after being recognized by the chairman.
Written communications may be received for all applications until the public hearing is closed. Applications and plans may be seen and examined in the Planning and Zoning Office, Room 203, Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.)
The Commission will not start a public hearing on any applications after 10:00 p.m. The Commission will adjourn no later than 11:00 p.m.
1. Amendment #654: (The following application is continued from 12/6/12. Testimony was taken at the hearing) Appl. #12-050 by William Achillies, Achillies Architects for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §29-2.2.1 (a) to allow for retail above first floor with specific criteria in BCD (Business Center District) zone.
2. 20 Wilton Road: Appl. #12-049 by Coe Development LLC for property owned by NatHall 1220W LLC for a CAM Special Permit and Site Plan approval for a restaurant, bar and office use with joint parking and a parking waiver, in GBD zone, PID #C09112000. Applicant’s presentation time: 20 minutes
3. Amendment #656: Appl. #12-054 by the Westport Planning and Zoning Commission for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify Sec 6 (Non Conforming Buildings, Uses & Lots), to modify Sec 6-2.1 and Sec 6-2.1.7 (Expansion, Extension or Alteration) to modify Sec 6-2.2 (Non Conforming Coverage), Sec 6-3.1 (Non Conforming Setbacks), Sec 6-3.3 (Non Conforming Height), to modify Sec 13 (Residence A District), to modify Sec 13-4 (Setbacks), to modify Sec 13-5 (Height), to modify Sec 13-6 (Coverage), to modify Sec 14 (Residence B District), to modify Sec 14-4 (Setbacks), to modify Sec 14-5 (Height), to modify Sec 14-6 (Coverage), to allow the elevation of structures in the special flood hazard area and to modify Sec 31-11 (Flood Plain Regulations), to add a new Sec 31-11.9 (Above Ground Storage Tanks). Applicant’s presentation time: 10 minutes
(The following items will be discussed and voted on as time permits. The public may observe the work session but not participate.)
2. Old Business
a) Amendment #653: Appl. #12-048 by Frederick William Hoag Architect for property owned by The Maxx and Luke LLC for a map amendment to the Westport Zoning Map to rezone properties at 44 Church Lane, PID #C10155000 from RORD 2, (Restricted Office Retail District) and BCD (Business Center District) to BCD (Business Center District).
Seated: Walsh, Whittle, Stephens, Gratrix, Corwin, Lathrop, Jinishian
b) 25 Cockenoe Drive: Appl. #12-043 by Jill O’Shea, H.D. LLC, for property owned by Howard and Sharon Lipper for a CAM Site Plan approval to raise existing house to comply with FEMA regulations and shift footprint of house in a Res A zone, PID #B01077000.
Seated: Walsh, Whittle, Stephens, Gratrix, Corwin, Lathrop, Jinishian
c) Amendment #647: Appl. #12-011 by the Planning and Zoning Commission for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §4-2 (Map Established), to add references in description of Zoning Map, §31-10 (Coastal Area Regulations), to modify requirements to be consistent with the Connecticut General Statutes, §31-11.3 (Flood Protection Requirements), to clarify role of Floodplain Coordinator, §43-11 (Time Period and Expiration), to modify timeframes for approvals to be consistent with the Connecticut General Statutes, §44-1 (Documents), §45-3.3 (Building Plan), §52-4 (Applications), to modify list of submission materials for Site Plan, Zoning Permit and Subdivision applications, §45-3 (Zoning Permits), to codify in the Zoning Regulations that a Zoning Permit be obtained prior to occupancy of a commercial building, §45-3.2.3 (Plot Plan), to require a vicinity map on plans used to obtain a Zoning Permit.
Seated: Walsh, Whittle, Stephens, Gratrix, Corwin, Lathrop, Jinishian
3. Other Items
a) Discussion of second round of P&Z staff amendments
b) Hales Court, Planning and Zoning Resolution #08-104, request for modification
1. Election of Officers
2. Appointment of Alternates
3. Committee Assignments
• Landscape Committee
• Regulation Review
• Others if needed
4. Appointment of SWRPA Representative
5. Planning and Zoning Meeting Schedules
• Public Hearings
• Work Sessions
• Field Trips (Time, Day)
6. Update on Planning and Zoning Issues
7. Planning and Zoning Goals and Objectives
8. Planning and Zoning By-Law Review
9. Other