Notice is hereby given that the Westport Historic District Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 9, 2012, in Town Hall Room 201 for the following purposes:
1. To hear Chairman’s report and update on current HDC activities.
2. To approve the minutes of the September 11, 2012 public hearing.
3. To take such action as the meeting may determine to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness Application for proposed exterior modifications at 151 Easton Road, the Easton Road Toll House/Goodsell/Grumman/McCoy House c. 1760, a designated local historic landmark property.
4. To take such action as the meeting may determine to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness Application for the proposed demolition of the garage building and the proposed designs for the replacement structure at 113 Cross Highway, the William Meeker House c. 1825, a designated local historic landmark property.
5. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 150 Imperial Avenue.
6. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 25 Edgemarth Hill Road.
7. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 16 Side Hill Road.
8. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 7 Whippoorwill Lane.
9. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 8 Hunting Lane.
10. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 61 Old Road.*