Town of Westport
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue
Westport, CT 06880
(203) 341-1081/Facsimile (203) 454-6145
To be inserted in
The Westport News
On: May 25, 2012
At a hearing of the Westport Zoning Board of Appeals held on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, the following action was taken
1. DENIED: 16 Oakwood Lane, ZBA Appl. #7057 by Vivek Kumar for property owned by Vivek Kumar for a variance to Sec 11-2.4.12A(e) (Accessory Apartment over 800 square feet), for legalization of accessory apartment over 800 square feet in a Res AAA zone, PID #B13004000.
2. GRANTED: 58 Compo Mill Cove: ZBA Appl. #7058 by John T. Fifield for property owned by David and Peg Bliss for a variance to Sec 6-3.1 and Sec 13-6 (Setbacks), Sec 6-2.1 (Expansion, Extension or Alteration), Sec 13-6 (Coverage) for legalization of side stairs and stoop from grade to first floor in a Res A zone, PID #E04087000.
3. GRANTED: 305 Post Rd East, ZBA Appl. #7059 by Gordon Lee for property owned by Gordon Lee for a variance to Sec 28-10 (BPD signage allowed), Sec 33-8.4.1 (Free standing sign on lot with less than 100’ frontage) and Sec 33-8.4.7 (Free standing within 15’ of front property line) To replace an existing free standing sign with a new sign within 15’ of the property line in a Res BPD zone, PID #D09141000.
4. GRANTED: 40 Easton Road, ZBA Appl. #7060 by Peter Romano for property owned by Rakesh Dewan for a variance to Sec 6-3.1 (Non-conforming lot setbacks) and Sec 11-4 (setbacks) for repair to existing in-ground pool and repair, replacement, and addition to existing patio in a Res AAA zone, PID #D15073000.
The specifics of each case can be found in the case file located in the Zoning Board of
Appeals office, Room 203, Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue
Dated in Westport, CT, May 25, 2012
Jacqueline Masumian, Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals.