Town of Westport
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue
Westport, CT 06880
(203) 341-1081/Facsimile (203) 454-6145
To be inserted in
The Westport News
On: May 18, 2012
At a hearing of the Westport Zoning Board of Appeals held on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, the following action was taken
1. GRANTED: 70 North Avenue, ZBA Appl. #7054 by Dan DeVito, on behalf of the Staples Gridiron Club for property owned by the Town of Westport for a variance to Sec 6-2.1 (Non Conforming Building), Sec 6-2.2 (Non Conforming Coverage), Sec 11-6 (Coverage), Sec 11-2.4 (Permitted Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses), Sec 11-2.4.8a (Accessory Building Over 300 Square Feet), Sec 11-2.4.8f (Kitchen in Accessory Building), for a new one story concession stand and restroom facilities, over coverage in a Res AAA zone, PID #F12077000.
2. GRANTED: 19 Buena Vista Drive, ZBA Appl. #7055 by Steven Dolberg, c/o John Fallon, Esq. for property owned by Steven Dolberg for a variance to Sec 12-4 (Setbacks), Sec 12-6 (Coverage), Sec 32-8.3.2 (Grading within 5 feet of property line), for a new single family dwelling over coverage and in the setbacks in a Res AA zone, PID #D04067000.
The specifics of each case can be found in the case file located in the Zoning Board of
Appeals office, Room 203, Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue
Dated in Westport, CT, May 18, 2012
Jacqueline Masumian, Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals.