Approval of minutes: 12/1/11, 3/1/12, 3/8/12, 3/15/12
1. 10 Stony Brook Road: (The following application is continued from 3/15/12. No testimony was taken at hearing) Appl. #12-006 by Coastal Construction Group for property owned by Donald Lawman for a Special Permit and Site Plan approval for excavation and fill in a Res AA zone, PID #B10033000. Applicant’s presentation time: 5 minutes
2. 319 Post Road East: Appl. #12-015 by David Santisi for property owned by Westport Country Playhouse, Inc. for a Special Permit and Site Plan approval for a change of use from office to a veterinary hospital, parking waiver and joint parking, in a BPD zone, PID #D09143000. Applicant’s presentation time: 10 minutes
3. 561 Post Road East: Appl. #12-090 by Terrain, c/o Ken Nemeth for property owned by CJ Curran LLC and WHK Inc. for a Site Plan approval for site modifications to add a pergola and greenhouse in a RBD zone, PID #E09067000. Applicant’s presentation time: 20 minutes
4. Amendment #647: Appl. #12-011 by the Planning and Zoning Commission for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §4-2 (Map Established), to add references in description of Zoning Map, §31-10 (Coastal Area Regulations), to modify requirements to be consistent with the Connecticut General Statutes, §31-11.3 (Flood Protection Requirements), to clarify role of Floodplain Coordinator, §43-11 (Time Period and Expiration), to modify timeframes for approvals to be consistent with the Connecticut General Statutes, §44-1 (Documents), §45-3.3 (Building Plan), §52-4 (Applications), to modify list of submission materials for Site Plan, Zoning Permit and Subdivision applications, §45-3 (Zoning Permits), to codify in the Zoning Regulations that a Zoning Permit be obtained prior to occupancy of a commercial building, §45-3.2.3 (Plot Plan), to require a vicinity map on plans used to obtain a Zoning Permit. Applicant’s presentation time: 10 minutes
1. Discussion of HDC Grant for Study of Downtown Village District
(The following items will be discussed and voted on as time permits. The public may observe the work session but not participate.)
1. Old Business
a) Amendment #645: Appl. # 12-001 by Lawrence P. Weisman for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify Sec 34-5 (Parking Requirements Table) to delete parking requirements for theaters, except within the BCD and BCD/H, places of worship and auditoriums, field houses, gym, athletic fields and stadiums and to add parking requirements for places of worship, theaters, auditoriums, spectator venues or other places of public assembly using a standard of one space per three seats, or one space for each 45 square feet of space used for public assembly, which ever is greater.
2. Other Items
a) 575 Riverside Avenue, Planning and Zoning Resolution #06-040, request for modification
b) 84 Beachside Avenue, Planning and Zoning Resolution #08-002, request for bond release
Annual Meeting Continued
1. Administrative Review Committee appointment
2. Update on Planning and Zoning Issues
3. Planning and Zoning Goals and Objectives
4. Other