Town of Westport
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue
Westport, CT 06880
(203) 341-1081/Facsimile (203) 454-6145
To be inserted in
The Westport News
On: February 3, 2012
At a hearing of the Westport Zoning Board of Appeals held on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, the following action was taken
1. GRANTED IN PART/DENIED IN PART WITH CONDITIONS: 100 Post Road East, ZBA Appl #7017 by Barr Associates, for property owned by Old Westport Town Hall LLC, for a variance to Sec 5-2 ( Definition of Specific Terms - Terrace), Sec 29-11 (Parking & Loading), Sec 34-5 (Parking Requirements Table), Sec 29-8.2 (FAR), Sec 29-12 & 35-2.2 (Landscaping, Screening and Buffer Areas), Sec 35-
2.2.1 (Front Landscape Area), Sec 34-10 (Loading Spaces), Sec 32-6.1 (Outdoor Storage & Display), for a new commercial building with a cellar and front plaza, in BCD zone, PID # C09148000.
2. GRANTED IN PART/DENIED IN PART WITH CONDITIONS: 10 Sue Terrace, ZBA Appl #7019 by Angela Carusone for property owned by Angela Carusone, for variance to Sec 6-2.1 (expansion of non-conforming buildings and structures), Sec 6-2.2 (over coverage), Sec 6-3.1 and Sec.13-4 (2 setbacks), and Sec 13-6 (coverage), to construct an Accessory Apartment over garage and to legalize excess building and total coverage due to construction of a deck and two sheds, in a Res A Zone PID# E09126000.
3. GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS: 27 Wilton Road,ZBA Appl #7013 by William Fitzpatrick for property owned by Nathall 2939W LLC, for a variance to Sec 23-4 (setbacks), Sec 23-6 (coverage), Sec 35-2.2 (front landscaping area), Sec 35-2.3 (parking area landscaping), to add a third level to existing parking structure, in RBD zone PID #C09111000.
4. GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS: 11 Surf Road, ZBA Appl #7023 by Lawrence Weisman, Esq. for property owned by Robert Wheeler, for a variance to Sec 13-4 (setbacks) ,to install a generator in the setbacks, in a Res A zone, PID # B01017000.
5. GRANTED: 25 Crescent Park, ZBA Appl #7024 by Silverio Vitiello for property owned by Silverio Vitiello, for a variance to Sec 16-6 (coverage), to construct a shed over building coverage, in a Res A zone, PID # E09096000.
6. DENIED: 54 Compo Mill Cove, ZBA Appl #7025 by Richard Altman for property owned by Lauri and Michael Friedland, for a variance to Sec13-6 (coverage), and Sec 6-2.1 (expansion of non-conforming buildings and structures), Sec 6-2.2 (over coverage), to convert patios to decks on a non-conforming lot over building coverage, in a Res A zone, PID # E004089000.
7. GRANTED WITH CONDITONS: 11 Soundview Drive, ZBA Appl #7026 by Jay Ptashek for property owned by Jay Ptashek, for a variance to Sec13-6 (total coverage), to install a swimming pool, in a Res A zone PID # E004089000.
The specifics of each case can be found in the case file located in the Zoning Board of
Appeals office, Room 203, Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue
Dated in Westport, CT, February 3, 2012
Jacqueline Masumian, Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals.