Notice is hereby given that at a meeting held on November 28, 2023, the Westport Zoning Board of Appeals took the following action:
- GRANTED: 17 Hiawatha Lane: Application #ZBA-23-00592 by Renzo Ciccia, for property owned by Renzo G and Diana Ciccia, for variance of the Zoning Regulation: §14-4 (Setbacks), to authorize existing pool equipment and shed located in the rear setback, located in Residence B District, PID# B05072000.
- GRANTED: 53 West Parish Road: Application #ZBA-23-00626 by Jake Nolan, for property owned by Christina Hart, to remove conditions placed on variance #5597 that prohibits the existing garage from being used as living space, prohibits running water and requires the existing 2nd floor area to be reduced to an Attic, located in Residence AA District, PID#F08049000.
- GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS: 205 Wilton Road: Application #ZBA-23-00643 by Franco Iannone, R.I. Pools, Inc., for property owned by Frank and Kelly Lynn Rossetti, for variance of the Zoning Regulation: §32-8.2.3 (Fill Height Ratio), to construct a retaining wall where the fill height ratio exceeds 0.20 relative to the distance from the property line, located in Residence AA District, PID# C11029000.
Dated on Westport, CT, November 29, 2023, James Ezzes, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals.