January 10, 2013
I WORK SESSION Room 201/201A 7:00 P.M.
Approval of minutes:
(The following items will be discussed and voted on as time permits. The public may observe the work session but not participate.)
- Old Business
a) Amendment #653: Appl. #12-048 by Frederick William Hoag Architect for property owned by The Maxx and Luke LLC for a map amendment to the Westport Zoning Map to rezone properties at 44 Church Lane, PID #C10155000 from RORD 2, (Restricted Office Retail District) and BCD (Business Center District) to BCD (Business Center District).
Seated: Walsh, Whittle, Stephens, Gratrix, Corwin, Lathrop, Jinishian
b) Amendment #654: Appl. #12-050 by William Achillies, Achillies Architects for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §29-2.2.1 (a) to allow for retail above first floor with specific criteria in BCD (Business Center District) zone.
Seated: Walsh, Whittle, Stephens, Gratrix, Corwin, Lathrop, Jinishian
c) Amendment #647: Appl. #12-011 by the Planning and Zoning Commission for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to modify §4-2 (Map Established), to add references in description of Zoning Map, §31-10 (Coastal Area Regulations), to modify requirements to be consistent with the Connecticut General Statutes, §31-11.3 (Flood Protection Requirements), to clarify role of Floodplain Coordinator, §43-11 (Time Period and Expiration), to modify timeframes for approvals to be consistent with the Connecticut General Statutes, §44-1 (Documents), §45-3.3 (Building Plan), §52-4 (Applications), to modify list of submission materials for Site Plan, Zoning Permit and Subdivision applications, §45-3 (Zoning Permits), to codify in the Zoning Regulations that a Zoning Permit be obtained prior to occupancy of a commercial building, §45-3.2.3 (Plot Plan), to require a vicinity map on plans used to obtain a Zoning Permit.
Seated: Walsh, Whittle, Stephens, Gratrix, Corwin, Lathrop, Jinishian
- Other Items
a) Discussion of second round of P&Z staff amendments
1. Election of Officers
2. Appointment of Alternates
3. Committee Assignments
- Landscape Committee
- Regulation Review
- Others if needed
4. Appointment of SWRPA Representative
5. Planning and Zoning Meeting Schedules
- Public Hearings
- Work Sessions
- Field Trips (Time, Day)
6. Update on Planning and Zoning Issues
7. Planning and Zoning Goals and Objectives
8. Planning and Zoning By-Law Review
9. Other