Notice is hereby given that the United Nations Hospitality Committee/IVC will meet on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at Town Hall, Room 201 for the following purposes:
1. Scholarship honoring Ruth Steinkraus-Cohen
2. UN Day, October 24 -- Planning for NCC (Oct. 27) and Town (Oct. 23) Events
3. Chapter Archives update
4. Visitors Programs, Possible program on Climate Change Summit
Our main UN Day event at Norwalk Community College is scheduled to take place on Tuesday. Oct. 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The topic will be "The European Migration Crisis -- the Problem and Response" (working title). In consultation with the College, it was agreed that this topic would be most suitable and timely.
As the UN Climate Change Summit will be held in Paris in December, we shall also consider organizing a program in early 2016 to review the Summit's main conclusions and examine the way forward.
In addition, we are looking into revitalizing our international visitor's activities and will be considering re-establishing our relationship with the U.S. State Department - sponsored organization that now sponsors those activities.
Bill Hass, President
United Nations Association of Southwestern CT & International Visitors Committee of CT