Town of Westport
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue
Westport, CT 06880
(203) 341-1081/Facsimile (203) 454-6145
To be inserted in
The Westport News
On: December 16, 2011
At a hearing of the Westport Zoning Board of Appeals held on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, the following action was taken
1. APPROVED: 221 Sturges Highway, ZBA Appl. #6877, Discussion and potential approval of Stipulation for Judgment in case entitled Cary Moskowitz v. Zoning Board of Appeals, Docket No. FBT-CV-10-6008721-S for swing set in setbacks, based on ZBA #6877.
2. GRANTED: 6 Bluff Point, ZBA Appl #7014 by Pete Romano, for property owned by Arthur Tauck for a variance to Sec 13-4 (setback), to install a generator in setback, in a Res A zone, PID #C01002000.
3. GRANTED: 36 Beachside Ave, ZBA Appl #7016 by Alan Spirer, Esq., for property owned by Laurel Schwartz for a variance to Sec 11-4 and 6-3.1 (setbackS) to legalize a generator in side setback, in a Res AAA, zone PID # H05035000.
4. GRANTED: 6 Overlook Road, ZBA Appl #7009 by Kurt Handschumacher for property owned by Craig Schiavone for a variance to Sec 6-2.1.6 ( non-conforming building), Sec 6-3 (non conforming lot), Sec 12-4 (setbacks), Sec 12-6 (coverage) to add a covered porch on the front of house, in Res AA zone, PID #C11014000.
5. GRANTED: 85 Turkey Hill Road South, ZBA Appl #7012 by Jennifer Boyd Mullineaux for property owned by Jennifer Boyd Mullineaux for a variance to Sec 6-3 & 11-4 (setbacks) to legalize existing patio in setback, in a Res A zone, PID #C13074000.
The specifics of each case can be found in the case file located in the Zoning Board of
Appeals office, Room 203, Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue
Dated in Westport, CT, December 16, 2011
Jacqueline Masumian, Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals.