Notice is hereby given that at a meeting held on July 14, 2011, the Westport Planning and Zoning Commission took the following action:
1. APPROVED: 34 Harbor Road, Appl. #11-028 by Ochman Associates, Inc. for property owned by Piekarski investments, LLC for a CAM Site Plan approval for a new single family dwelling in a Res A zone, PID # B02129000.
2. ADOPTED: Amendment #635, Appl. #11-029 by the Planning and Zoning Commission for an amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to modify §31-9.2, Liquor Establishments, to delete the requirement that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve liquor establishments by Special Permit; §31-9.3, Liquor Establishments, to delete this section; §32-6.2, (Outdoor Storage and Display), to delete the words a Temporary Zoning Permit is and to change reference to §43-15 to §43-14. Effective date: 8/15/11
3. ADOPTED: Amendment #630, Appl. #11-020 by Westport Housing Authority c/o Redniss & Mead for a text amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to modify §5 (Definitions), to amend the definition that MHRUs can be developed on MHPD sites if such units existing as of the date of the amendment; §16-1 (Purpose), to add the words “and enhance”; §16-2.1 (Special Permit Uses), to amend §16-2.1.2, to indicate that density may be increased to 20 units or 40 bedrooms per gross acre on sites where not less than 65% of the total units are affordable to families earning not more than 80% of the State Median Income and not less than an additional 15% of the total units are affordable to families earning not more than 60% of the State Median Income and the units must qualify for moratorium points pursuant to CGS 8-30g; §16-2.1.3, to modify open space requirement for MHRUs of 150 square feet per unit on sites where 80% of the dwelling units are affordable pursuant to 8-30g; §16-2.2.2, to amend accessory structures; §16-4.1, to remove the requirement for setbacks from lot lines that are interior to the Special Permit site on lots of 2 acres or more; §16-5 (Height), to modify building height for MHRUs from 2 habitable stories and one non-habitable story and 25 feet to 3 stories and 35 feet if on a sites where 80% of the dwelling units are affordable pursuant to 8-30g for MHRU that are at least 30 feet of a single family residential zoning district boundary line for only new MHRUs not replacement MHRUs; §16-6, (Coverage), to modify the measurement of total coverage to be based upon the total area of each mobile home lot, to increase building coverage to 30% and total coverage to 60% on sites where 80% of the dwelling units are affordable pursuant to 8-30g; §16-8.2, to modify this section to increase the maximum size for an individual unit from 1200 to 1350 square feet and the average unit size from 1100 to 1200 square feet on sites where 80% of the dwelling units are affordable pursuant to 8-30g; §16-11.4, to add tandem parking may be considered subject to the discretion of the Planning & Zoning Commission and that parking in excess of the minimum required parking may be pavers or pervious; §16-11.7, to add for MHRU developments, the minimum back-up distances for perpendicular spaces, as depicted in §34 of the these Regulations, may be reduced to 24 feet on lots of 2 acres or greater if approved by the P&Z Commission. Effective date: 8/15/11
The above items were approved/granted/adopted and are on file with the Planning and Zoning Office in Town Hall at 110 Myrtle Avenue.
Dated at Westport, Connecticut this 22nd day of July, 2011
Ron Corwin, Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
To be inserted in the Westport News
On: July 22 2011