Bayberry Lane Bridge (#04969)
Westport, CT -- Notice is hereby given that the Town of Westport is contemplating a project to replace the Bayberry Lane Bridge (#04969) over the Aspetuck River. The bridge replacement project would receive federal funds under the Federal Local Bridge Program administered by the Connecticut Department of Transportation.
If undertaken, the project design would be expected to begin in early 2018, with construction likely in 2019 or 2020.
Local and state policy encourages early information to citizens on such projects and encourages people to raise any concerns with municipal officials early in the planning process. Persons wanting additional information should contact the Westport Public Works Department at 203 341 1120.
The cost of the bridge replacement would receive 80% reimbursement from federal aid with the remaining 20% paid from municipal funds.
The federal aid for the project was authorized under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP – 21) administered by the Federal Highway Administration and the Connecticut Department of Transportation.