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P & Z Hearing Agenda
- Date: 06/02/2011 7:00 PM
- Location: Town Hall Auditorium
June 2, 2011
7:00 P.M.
Approval of minutes: 4/7/11, 4/14/11, 4/28/112, 5/5/11, 5/12/11, 5/19/11
(At this time interested persons may be heard after being recognized by the chairman.
Written communications may be received for all applications until the public hearing is closed. Applications and plans may be seen and examined in the Planning and Zoning Office, Room 203, Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.)
The Commission will not start a public hearing on any applications after 10:00 p.m. The Commission will adjourn no later than 11:00 p.m.
1. 11 Bayberry Ridge Road: (The following application is continued from 5/5/11 and further continued to 6/16/11. Testimony was taken at hearing) Appl. #11-018 by Brian Cossari, Hoffman Landscapes, for property owned by Cenci Diane and John N. Hillhouse for a Special Permit & Site Plan approval for excavation & fill in a Res AAA zone, PID # F18003000.
2. Amendment #626: (The following application will be opened and continued to 6/16/11. No testimony will be taken) Appl. #11-004 by the Planning and Zoning Commission for an amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to modify §32-8, Excavation and Filling of Land to clarify that items that are not exempt are subject to Site Plan and/or Special Permit approval and that all exempt and non-exempt activities must conform to the standards listed in §32-8.3; §32-8.1, Exemptions To add that even exempt activities are subject to the standards in §32-8.3; §32-8.1.1, to modify to limit exemptions to within 15 feet from any building or structure only for work approved as part of a zoning permit; §32-8.1.2, to modify to include Site Plan & Special Permit applications in the list of exemptions; §32-8.1.3, to delete the word ‘fence’ and to modify to limit exemptions to within 15 feet from the work that is subject of the zoning permit; §32-8.1.4, to modify to include changes in groundwater patterns as an activity that is not exempt. Also, modified to recognize additional enforcement mechanisms are now available, §32-8.1.5; to add a section that allows the Planning & Zoning Director to grant exemptions from the 15 foot limitation in §32-8.1.1 and §32-8.1.3, when the need to exceed this standard is minor in nature; §32-8.2, Excessive Fill Regulations, to add Excavation; §32-8.2.1 (a), to modify to include both excavation and fill. The lot area restriction is changed from 8,000 SF to 10,000 SF and the maximum excavation or fill amount is to be reduced by 50%. This section covers residential zoning districts; §32-8.2.1 (b), to modify to include both excavation and fill. The lot area restriction is changed from 8,000 SF to 10,000 SF and the maximum excavation or fill amount is to be reduced by 50%. This section covers non-residential districts; §32-8.2.1 (c), to modify to include both excavation and fill. The lot area restriction is changed from 8,000 SF to 10,000 SF and the maximum excavation or fill amount is capped at 500 cubic yards for smaller lots. This section covers both residential and non-residential districts; §32-8.2.2, to modify to include both excavation and fill. This formula reduces all allowable excavation or fill by 50%; §32-8.2.3, to modify to include both excavation and fill in the height calculations; §32-8.2.6, to modify to include both excavation and fill in the total maximum excavation and fill calculations and requires the use of total excavation not net change; §32-8.2.7, to modify to recognize the Town’s new GIS system and the change to the new NAVD 88 datum; §32-8, Standards; §32-8.3.2 to modify to reduce the allowable man made earth slopes from 20 degrees to 14 degrees (from 2.75 horizontal to 1.0 vertical slope) changed to (4.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical slope) within 25 feet of the property line and a new added requirement that these slopes are not permitted within any required setback which ever is less. The slopes over the remaining portions of the property are reduced from 30 degrees to 20 degrees (from 2 horizontal to 1.0 vertical slope) changed to (2.75 horizontal to 1.0 vertical slope). There can be no grading or slope changes within 5 feet of any property line; §32-8.3.4, to modify to state that processing of earth materials is prohibited except for material that is excavated directly from the site; §32-8.3.5, to delete section about no permanent buildings on-site; §32-8.3.9 to add new section to prohibit the use of fill that contains organic material or petroleum based products; §32-8.3.10, to add new section to require erosion controls be installed pursuant to §37; §32-8.5, Considerations Affecting Approval to delete the word ‘Commission’ and ‘shall be given to protecting’; §32-8.5.1, to modify to eliminate the P&Z Commission as ARC may also be allowed to apply these standards; §32-8.5.1 to modify to eliminate the P&Z Commission as ARC may also be allowed to apply these standards; §32-8.5.4 (f), to modify to eliminate the P&Z Commission as ARC may now also be allowed to require a bond; §32-8.5.4 (g), to add a new section that allows for the hiring of a site monitor to be paid for at the applicant’s expense; §32-8.6, Administrative Excavation/Fill Permit to add the word ‘either’; §32-8.6, to modify to specify that either a disturbance of 5,000 SF or an excavation/fill change of 1,000 cubic yards requires a Special Permit; §32-8.6.4 to modify the requirement for mailing of notices to be consistent with §44-1.2. Applicant’s presentation time: 15 minutes
(The following items will be discussed and voted on as time permits. The public may observe the work session but not participate.)
1. Old Business
a) 14 Coleytown Road: Appl. #10-058 by Temple Israel of Westport for property owned by Temple of Israel of Westport for a Special Permit and Site Plan approval for installation of improvements to lighting in parking lot and entrance and property in a Res AAA zone, PID #D16048000.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Lathrop, Walsh, Krawiec, Jinishian, Curry
b) Amendment #630: Appl. #11-020 by Westport Housing Authority c/o Redniss & Mead for a text amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to modify §5 (Definitions), to amend the definition that MHRUs can be developed on MHPD sites; §16-1 (Purpose), to add the words “and enhance”; §16-2.1 (Special Permit Uses), to amend §16-2.1.2, to indicate that density may be increased to 20 units or 40 bedrooms per gross acre on sites where not less than 65% of the total units are affordable to families earning not more than 80% of the State Median Income and not less than an additional 15% of the total units are affordable to families earning not more than 60% of the State Median Income; §16-2.1.3, to modify open space requirement for MHRUs of 150 square feet per unit; §16-2.2.2, to amend accessory structures; §16-4.1, to remove the requirement for setbacks from lot lines that are interior to the Special Permit site; §16-5 (Height), to modify building height for MHRUs from 2 habitable stories and one non-habitable story and 25 feet to 3 stories and 35 feet and remove the word “habitable” and to add that 50% of the units adjacent to single family residential zones must be 2.5 stories and 25 feet; §16-6, (Coverage), to modify the measurement of total coverage to be based upon the total area of each mobile home lot, to increase building coverage to 30% and total coverage to 60%; §16-8.2, to modify to increase the maximum size for an individual unit from 1200 to 1350 square feet and the average unit size from 1100 to 1200 square feet; §16-11.4, to add tandem parking may be considered subject to the discretion of the Planning & Zoning Commission; §16-11.7, to add for MHRU developments, the minimum back-up distances for perpendicular spaces, as depicted in §34 of the these Regulations, may be reduced to 24 feet.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Press, Lathrop, Walsh Krawiec, Jinishian
c) Amendment #632: Appl. #11-023 by the Planning and Zoning Commission for an amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to §11-2.4.13(a), to delete, “or an affidavit acceptable to the Commission by a person other than the property owner stating that such person had direct personal knowledge of the existence of a kitchen in the dwelling unit(s) in question prior to or on 10/1/59”; §11-2.4.13(d), to add “The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a different apartment configuration than existed in 1959, including areas of new construction, provided the floor area of the approved apartment does not exceed the floor area of the apartment that existed as of 10/1/59”.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Press, Lathrop, Walsh Krawiec, Jinishian
2. Other Items
a) Review of text change to Sec 31-9.2, Liquor Establishments
b) Review of text change to Sec. 34-11.12, Reserved Future Spaces
c) Request for interpretation for on grade paddle tennis court
3. New Business
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June 2, 2011
7:00 P.M.
Approval of minutes: 4/7/11, 4/14/11, 4/28/112, 5/5/11, 5/12/11, 5/19/11
(At this time interested persons may be heard after being recognized by the chairman.
Written communications may be received for all applications until the public hearing is closed. Applications and plans may be seen and examined in the Planning and Zoning Office, Room 203, Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.)
The Commission will not start a public hearing on any applications after 10:00 p.m. The Commission will adjourn no later than 11:00 p.m.
1. 11 Bayberry Ridge Road: (The following application is continued from 5/5/11 and further continued to 6/16/11. Testimony was taken at hearing) Appl. #11-018 by Brian Cossari, Hoffman Landscapes, for property owned by Cenci Diane and John N. Hillhouse for a Special Permit & Site Plan approval for excavation & fill in a Res AAA zone, PID # F18003000.
2. Amendment #626: (The following application will be opened and continued to 6/16/11. No testimony will be taken) Appl. #11-004 by the Planning and Zoning Commission for an amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to modify §32-8, Excavation and Filling of Land to clarify that items that are not exempt are subject to Site Plan and/or Special Permit approval and that all exempt and non-exempt activities must conform to the standards listed in §32-8.3; §32-8.1, Exemptions To add that even exempt activities are subject to the standards in §32-8.3; §32-8.1.1, to modify to limit exemptions to within 15 feet from any building or structure only for work approved as part of a zoning permit; §32-8.1.2, to modify to include Site Plan & Special Permit applications in the list of exemptions; §32-8.1.3, to delete the word ‘fence’ and to modify to limit exemptions to within 15 feet from the work that is subject of the zoning permit; §32-8.1.4, to modify to include changes in groundwater patterns as an activity that is not exempt. Also, modified to recognize additional enforcement mechanisms are now available, §32-8.1.5; to add a section that allows the Planning & Zoning Director to grant exemptions from the 15 foot limitation in §32-8.1.1 and §32-8.1.3, when the need to exceed this standard is minor in nature; §32-8.2, Excessive Fill Regulations, to add Excavation; §32-8.2.1 (a), to modify to include both excavation and fill. The lot area restriction is changed from 8,000 SF to 10,000 SF and the maximum excavation or fill amount is to be reduced by 50%. This section covers residential zoning districts; §32-8.2.1 (b), to modify to include both excavation and fill. The lot area restriction is changed from 8,000 SF to 10,000 SF and the maximum excavation or fill amount is to be reduced by 50%. This section covers non-residential districts; §32-8.2.1 (c), to modify to include both excavation and fill. The lot area restriction is changed from 8,000 SF to 10,000 SF and the maximum excavation or fill amount is capped at 500 cubic yards for smaller lots. This section covers both residential and non-residential districts; §32-8.2.2, to modify to include both excavation and fill. This formula reduces all allowable excavation or fill by 50%; §32-8.2.3, to modify to include both excavation and fill in the height calculations; §32-8.2.6, to modify to include both excavation and fill in the total maximum excavation and fill calculations and requires the use of total excavation not net change; §32-8.2.7, to modify to recognize the Town’s new GIS system and the change to the new NAVD 88 datum; §32-8, Standards; §32-8.3.2 to modify to reduce the allowable man made earth slopes from 20 degrees to 14 degrees (from 2.75 horizontal to 1.0 vertical slope) changed to (4.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical slope) within 25 feet of the property line and a new added requirement that these slopes are not permitted within any required setback which ever is less. The slopes over the remaining portions of the property are reduced from 30 degrees to 20 degrees (from 2 horizontal to 1.0 vertical slope) changed to (2.75 horizontal to 1.0 vertical slope). There can be no grading or slope changes within 5 feet of any property line; §32-8.3.4, to modify to state that processing of earth materials is prohibited except for material that is excavated directly from the site; §32-8.3.5, to delete section about no permanent buildings on-site; §32-8.3.9 to add new section to prohibit the use of fill that contains organic material or petroleum based products; §32-8.3.10, to add new section to require erosion controls be installed pursuant to §37; §32-8.5, Considerations Affecting Approval to delete the word ‘Commission’ and ‘shall be given to protecting’; §32-8.5.1, to modify to eliminate the P&Z Commission as ARC may also be allowed to apply these standards; §32-8.5.1 to modify to eliminate the P&Z Commission as ARC may also be allowed to apply these standards; §32-8.5.4 (f), to modify to eliminate the P&Z Commission as ARC may now also be allowed to require a bond; §32-8.5.4 (g), to add a new section that allows for the hiring of a site monitor to be paid for at the applicant’s expense; §32-8.6, Administrative Excavation/Fill Permit to add the word ‘either’; §32-8.6, to modify to specify that either a disturbance of 5,000 SF or an excavation/fill change of 1,000 cubic yards requires a Special Permit; §32-8.6.4 to modify the requirement for mailing of notices to be consistent with §44-1.2. Applicant’s presentation time: 15 minutes
(The following items will be discussed and voted on as time permits. The public may observe the work session but not participate.)
1. Old Business
a) 14 Coleytown Road: Appl. #10-058 by Temple Israel of Westport for property owned by Temple of Israel of Westport for a Special Permit and Site Plan approval for installation of improvements to lighting in parking lot and entrance and property in a Res AAA zone, PID #D16048000.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Lathrop, Walsh, Krawiec, Jinishian, Curry
b) Amendment #630: Appl. #11-020 by Westport Housing Authority c/o Redniss & Mead for a text amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to modify §5 (Definitions), to amend the definition that MHRUs can be developed on MHPD sites; §16-1 (Purpose), to add the words “and enhance”; §16-2.1 (Special Permit Uses), to amend §16-2.1.2, to indicate that density may be increased to 20 units or 40 bedrooms per gross acre on sites where not less than 65% of the total units are affordable to families earning not more than 80% of the State Median Income and not less than an additional 15% of the total units are affordable to families earning not more than 60% of the State Median Income; §16-2.1.3, to modify open space requirement for MHRUs of 150 square feet per unit; §16-2.2.2, to amend accessory structures; §16-4.1, to remove the requirement for setbacks from lot lines that are interior to the Special Permit site; §16-5 (Height), to modify building height for MHRUs from 2 habitable stories and one non-habitable story and 25 feet to 3 stories and 35 feet and remove the word “habitable” and to add that 50% of the units adjacent to single family residential zones must be 2.5 stories and 25 feet; §16-6, (Coverage), to modify the measurement of total coverage to be based upon the total area of each mobile home lot, to increase building coverage to 30% and total coverage to 60%; §16-8.2, to modify to increase the maximum size for an individual unit from 1200 to 1350 square feet and the average unit size from 1100 to 1200 square feet; §16-11.4, to add tandem parking may be considered subject to the discretion of the Planning & Zoning Commission; §16-11.7, to add for MHRU developments, the minimum back-up distances for perpendicular spaces, as depicted in §34 of the these Regulations, may be reduced to 24 feet.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Press, Lathrop, Walsh Krawiec, Jinishian
c) Amendment #632: Appl. #11-023 by the Planning and Zoning Commission for an amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to §11-2.4.13(a), to delete, “or an affidavit acceptable to the Commission by a person other than the property owner stating that such person had direct personal knowledge of the existence of a kitchen in the dwelling unit(s) in question prior to or on 10/1/59”; §11-2.4.13(d), to add “The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a different apartment configuration than existed in 1959, including areas of new construction, provided the floor area of the approved apartment does not exceed the floor area of the apartment that existed as of 10/1/59”.
Seated: Corwin, Lowenstein, Press, Lathrop, Walsh Krawiec, Jinishian
2. Other Items
a) Review of text change to Sec 31-9.2, Liquor Establishments
b) Review of text change to Sec. 34-11.12, Reserved Future Spaces
c) Request for interpretation for on grade paddle tennis court
3. New Business