Notice is hereby given that at a meeting held on May 5, 2011, the Westport Planning and Zoning Commission took the following action:
1. ADOPTED: Amendment #625, Appl. # 11-001 by the First Selectman for a text amendment to the Westport Zoning Regulations to modify §5, Definitions, to add Assisted Living Facility; to modify §5, Definitions, to add Full Care Living Facility; to modify §5, Definitions, to add Independent Living Facility; to modify §5-2, Definitions, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §5, Definitions, to add Senior Center; to modify §5, Definitions, to add Senior Residential Community; to modify §11-2.3.1, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §11-2.3.5, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §11-2.3, Special Permit Uses Subject to Special Conditions, to add a section for Senior Residential Community; to modify §11-2.4.12D, Permitted Accessory Buildings, Structures, and Uses, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §19A-16, Affordable Plan, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” and to modify existing language regarding establishing a priority system for affordable and workforce housing units; to modify §20-4, Density, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-2, Elderly Housing-Municipal, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-2.1, Purpose, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-2.2, Permitted Uses, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-11, Group Home for Elderly, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-11.2, Occupancy, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to modify §32-11.5, CAP, to replace the term “Elderly” with “Senior;” to add §32-15A, Senior Residential Community, and corresponding location requirements and development standards, to the list of uses allowed in residential and non-residential districts subject to Special Permit and Site Plan approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission, and to modify §34-5, Parking Requirements Table for a Senior Residential Community and to replace the term “Elderly” with Senior” in other areas of this section. Effective date: May 31, 2011
2. ADOPTED: Amendment #623, Appl. #10-055 by Barr Associates for a map amendment to the Westport Zoning Map to rezone the properties at 0 Cottage Lane, PID #H09017000 and 0 Cottage Lane, PID #H09018000, owned by Alan Thoele, from Residential A to General Business District. Effective date: June 6, 2011
3. GRANTED: 78 Maple Avenue South, Appl. #11-017 by CFJ Realty Development, LLC for property owned by CFJ Realty Development, LLC for a Special Permit & Site Plan approval for excavation & fill in a Res AAA zone, PID # H07031000.
The above items were approved/granted/adopted and are on file with the Planning and Zoning Office in Town Hall at 110 Myrtle Avenue.
Dated at Westport, Connecticut this 13th day of May, 2011
Ron Corwin, Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
To be inserted in the Westport News
On: May 13, 2011