To be inserted in the Westport News
On: February 19, 2016
Notice is hereby given that at a meeting held on February 11, 2016, the Westport Planning and Zoning Commission took the following action:
1.ADOPTED IN PART / DENIED IN PART: Text Amendment #707, that Amendment #707/Appl. #15-062 by 785 Post Road East, LLC and 1141 Post Road East, LLC for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to add language: To modify §32-8.3.2 to authorize the Planning and Zoning Commission in consultation with the Town Engineer to allow manmade earth slopes to exceed a 5:1 or 20% slope and to allow grading or slope changes within five feet (5’) of any lot line, provided no significant adverse effects are anticipated on adjacent property or on public health and safety or environmental site features is DENIED; To modify §39A-4, Lot Area and Shape, to substitute the location requirement from frontage on an arterial street that is equal to at least fifteen percent (15%) of the perimeter of the lot, to a location requirement of frontage of seventy-five feet (75’) on an arterial street on sites over 2-acres in size is ADOPTED; To modify §39A-6, Setbacks, to authorize the Planning and Zoning Commission to grant side setback relief for additions to and redevelopment of existing buildings located in non-residential districts provided the existing non-conforming setback is not further reduced is DENIED; To modify §39A-7, Height, to authorize the Planning and Zoning Commission to grant an additional half-story of height, allowing up to three (3) stories for buildings located in residential districts, to accommodate sloping sites or floodplain conditions on lots of two acres or more, provided that total coverage is reduced from an allowable seventy-percent (70%) to fifty-five percent (55%) is DENIED. Effective date March 1, 2016.
The above items were granted/approved/denied with conditions, which are on file with the Planning and Zoning Office in Town Hall at 110 Myrtle Avenue
Dated at Westport, Connecticut this 19th day of February, 2016
Chip Stephens, Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission.