The Public Hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the items below will be further continued on January 7, 2016, at 7:00 P.M.
1.Amendment #703: Appl. #15-050 by William J. Fitzpatrick, III for a text amendment to the zoning regulations to add a new section 30A, Riverwalk District, (RD) with a purpose statement that stating the intent of the zone is to preserve the visual character and appearance of a Historic Structure, to mitigate traffic impacts on local streets and intersections, to mitigate traffic generation and parking demand, to encourage residential land uses and allow office/retail uses, to encourage visual and physical access to and along the waterfront and to encourage off-site improvements to serve these purposes. Additionally, there are proposed sections stating: locational requirements, allowable uses by Special Permit, setback, height, coverage and floor area ratio limits, architectural design requirements, public waterfront access requirements, parking and loading exceptions, floodplain regulation exemptions and affordable housing requirements. (Full Text Available at )
2.645 Post Road East: Appl. #15-056 by Eric D. Bernheim for property owned by Equity One Westport Village Center LLC for a Site Plan approval for a façade renovation for property located in a RBD/Residence A zone, PID #E09070000.
3.605 Post Road East: Appl. #15-061 by Eric D. Bernheim for property owned by Equity One Westport Village Center, LLC for a Site Plan approval for façade renovation for property located in a RBD/ Residence A zone, PID #E09068000.