Notice is hereby given that the Westport Historic District Commission will hold a work session at 6:00 p.m. and a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 in Town Hall Room 201 for the following purposes:
Deputy Director Mary Dunne of the State Historic Preservation Office will speak about the responsibilities of the Historic District Commission, the town’s role as a Certified Local Government, and available grant funding.
1.To hear Chair’s report and update on current HDC activities.
2.To approve the minutes of the December 8, 2015 public hearing.
3.To approve a Certificate of Appropriateness Application dated December 17, 2015 for proposed exterior modifications to the small frame structure at 300 Main Street located in the Gorham Avenue Historic District.
4.To review and approve a recommendation from the Saugatuck River Swing Bridge Study Subcommittee to expand the study boundary of the proposed designation of the bridge to include two state owned properties on the north side of the bridge, on the east and west banks of the river.
5.To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of the delay period for a demolition permit application at 21 Center Street (4 structures) identified on the Westport Historic Resources Inventory.
6.To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of the delay period for a demolition permit application at 1 Heron Lake Lane.
7.To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of the delay period for a demolition permit application at 17 Owenoke Park located in the Compo/Ownenoke Historic District.
8.To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of the delay period for a demolition permit application at 185 Compo Road South.
9.To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of the delay period for a demolition permit application at 8 Keller Lane.
10.To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of the delay period for a demolition permit application at 133 North Avenue.