Notice is hereby given that the Westport Historic District Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 in Town Hall Room 201 for the following purposes:
1. To approve the minutes of the December 13, 2011 public hearing.
2. To review and comment on Planning and Zoning transmittal for Text Amendment #642/P&Z Appl. #11-053 to modify Section 5, Definition of half-story and floor area, to modify Section 32-12, Inclusionary two-family and multi-family dwellings and to modify Section39A, Inclusionary Housing Overlay District.
3. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 22 Baker Avenue, identified on the Historic Resources Inventory as a Colonial Revival style structure c. 1905.
4. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 22 Coleytown Road.
5. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 250 Hillspoint Road.
6. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 5 Ledgemoor Lane
7. To take such action as the meeting may determine to waive the balance of delay for a demolition permit application at 37 Narrow Rocks Road.
Francis Henkels, Chairman
Westport Historic District Commission
January 3, 2012